kapal perang bismarck bahasa Inggris
- kapal: carrier; liner; ship; ship's; ships; vessel;
- kapal perang: battle ship; battleship; war boat; war ship; war
- perang: brown; war; campaign; martial; dark-brown;
- bismarck: von bismarck; capital of north dakota; otto von
- pertempuran terakhir kapal perang bismarck: last battle of the battleship bismarck
- kapal tempur jerman bismarck: german battleship bismarck
- kapal tempur kelas bismarck: bismarck-class battleships; bismarck class battleship; bismarck-class battleship
- bismarck: von bismarck; capital of north dakota; otto von bismarck; prince otto von bismarck; prince otto eduard leopold von bismarck; bismarck; iron chancellor
- kapal perang: battle ship; battleship; war boat; war ship; war vessel; warcraft; warship; warships; battleships; battlewagon; pre-dreadnought; ship of war; man-of-war; combat ship
- bintang perang galactica (kapal): battlestar galactica (fictional spacecraft)
- diplomasi kapal perang: gunboat diplomacy
- jenis kapal perang modern: warship types of the 19th & 20th centuries
- kapal perang amerika serikat: ships of the united states navy
- kapal perang amerika syarikat: battleships of the united states
- kapal perang amfibi: amphibious warfare ship
- Norwegian spotters aided in the destruction of numerous German warships, such as the battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz.
Para pengintai Norwegia membantu penghancuran berbagai kapal perang Jerman, seperti kapal perang Bismarck dan Tirpitz. - In May 1941, along with HMS Rodney, King George V was involved in the hunt for and pursuit of the German battleship Bismarck, eventually inflicting severe damage which led to the German vessel's sinking.
Bersama dengan HMS Rodney (29) , King George V memberi kerusakan berat pada Kapal perang Bismarck yang menyebabkan tenggelamnya kapal Jerman tersebut pada Mei 1941.